Are you the type that always finishes a book you start? I am not.
Honestly, my TO BE READ list is so long that I simply do not tolerate a book I don't like.
Listen, plenty of people loved these books, so in the spirit of fun, I've provided links to all of them. This is not a DO NOT READ list, it is simply a list of books that didn't sit right with me and the JFo Says Nope point in which I gave up on the book.
If you choose to take any of them on come back and let me know what you thought. Challenge accepted? Let's go.
7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - I'll admit I read this one on the heels of The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo which I loved. So, why did I think I'd love this book? Was it because they both had the number 7? Both had a character named Evelyn? Either way I was duped.
JFo says Nope. I quit this one about 3 chapters in. Once I realized this woman was going to die more than once, I was O-U-T out. Let alone that the investigator wakes up in someone else's body every day. Girl, that's a Groundhog Day gone wrong.
Anyone who follows #jforeads knows I detest sci-fi and this was just oozing of it. I have no idea how the poor woman met her demise. Don't know. Don't Care. Bye. Zero Stars
Devil In the Kitchen -- I started this one when we were all watching cooking competition shows with the same frenzy some of y'all had for Tiger King last year. Hot sexy, ego centrical chef? Game on. Or not. This man is (was -- is he dead? I don't know.) a horrible human being. It was seriously like what I'd expect reading Trump's personal diary.
JFo says Nope. I think I made it a fair way into this one before I just decided he was gross. And mean. In my Goodreads review I said "I kept waiting for the story to start and it seemed to just be more stories of his awesomeness and hardships." One star because there was food.
The Beach -- Ok. Get ready because one of the characters is Daffy Duck. And he dies. HUH? Yep. This book was set in Thailand and the death of our dearly departed duck is being investigated by the narrator and a French couple.
JFo says Nope All I remember is the gross hotel these people stayed in. Instead images of lush tropical scenes and sandy beaches of Thailand, I am scarred to the core with images of stained undershirts. And I honestly have no idea if anyone even wore an undershirt in this book. Terrible book. Negative 3 Stars.
One Hundred Years of Leni and Margot -- This book was one that I really wanted to love and those are the biggest heart breakers. The premise is that Leni and Margot's combined ages = 100 years. The book chapters alternate between their back stories. Leni as a terminally ill teen and Margot as an end-of-life octogenarian. They meet in an art class. All of this should have been a lovely story and maybe it was -- for some people.
JFo Say Nope. It was just dull. I'm not big on historical fiction which was a lot of what Margot's story was. Leni inquisitiveness about God and religion just fell flat. This might be one I'd go back to because again, it seems like something that should have been better than it was. 1 Star because even as I write this it seems like a book I should have loved.
JFo's Dis-Honorable Mention
The Keeper Of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan
Everything is Horrible and Wonderful by Stephanie Wittels Wach
Can't Help Myself by Meredith Goldstein
Fleishman Is In Trouble by Taffy Brodesser- Akner
Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter
The cure for a bad book is good wine. Before you go, check out these specials. Talk to you next week!